As the world grapples with the horrors of the Israel-Hamas war, many people trying to stay up to date with the situation are finding the media’s coverage lacking for myriad reasons, but exactly what accurate reporting on the conflict looks like is difficult to define. The Onion asked Americans what balanced coverage of Gaza means to them.
Americans Explain What Balanced Coverage Of Gaza Means
James Vorbau, Architect
“It means accurately reporting the number of subhuman animals that were killed.”
Maddy Castillo, Web Developer
“Not sure. I stopped paying attention to that months ago.”
Alison Njoki, Set Designer
“Well, I can tell you it doesn’t mean reporting on civilian casualties, that’s for sure.”
Isla Malten, Potter
“Please, not this right now. We’re trying to have a nice dinner.”
Ian Eckhouse, Bar Owner
“When you report that 30,000 Palestinians have died, you need to also acknowledge how many are still alive.”
Lorenzo D’Amato, Sales Manager:
“When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that’s balanced coverage of Gaza.”
Dan Forsyth, Data Analyst
“It means reporting the same number of Israeli deaths as Palestinian civilian deaths, no matter what the truth is.”
Delaney Garner, Industrial Engineer
“Contextualizing the conflict in a way that dehumanizes everyone involved.”
Caroline McGinty, Hair Stylist
“It’s important to get your news from the Instagram stories of both celebrities who are pro-Israel and celebrities who are pro-Palestine.”
Mike Brooker, Canvasser
“The best way for the media to avoid bias is by not covering war at all.”
Anthony Deacon, Organizer
“Fully wiping myself of empathy before saying the words ‘well, actually.’”
Grant Phelps, Zoologist
“Thank you for pointing this out. I haven’t seen a single story from the perspective of a Palestinian hyrax.”
Gloria Rodriguez, Hair Stylist
“Each side gets to pitch their ideas for a ceasefire on Shark Tank.”
Devin Larson, Graphic Artist
“Only listening to what the Jewish lady from ‘Big Bang Theory’ says.”
Chase Daniels, Cartoonist
“Being super excited about human casualties, no matter which side commits them.”
Bill Hogan, Mail Carrier
“For every IDF fighter an outlet interviews, they should also interview someone that soldier murdered.”
Willem Bird, Radiologist
“It means blaming one side for everything.”
Jillian Dalva, Tutor
“Netanyahu’s LiveJournal.”
Max Vick, Graphic Designer
“Disclosing any and all potential conflicts of interest that may arise from being a person with empathy.”
Sophie Owen, Teacher Aide
“I didn’t know the Gaza thing was still happening.”
Kurt Bowman, CPR Instructor
“Send the journalists to Gaza to hide, starve, and die as the locals do.”