KINGSTON, JAMAICA—Crediting the workplace competition with changing the entire course of his life, eight-time Olympic gold medalist Usain Bolt recalled Monday how he first discovered his talent for running through a corporate wellness challenge at his first job. “I never even liked working out until I got an email announcing the whole company was going to do a six-week fitness challenge to get healthier,” said Bolt, who shared that before becoming a world-record holding sprinter, he worked as a project manager at Salesforce and had never even set foot in a gym. “At first I was trying to get away with really easy stuff like walking, but then I started running when I saw it would earn me more ‘fit points.’ I’m glad I did because it turned out I could go really fast. I would like to thank the HR department for unlocking the potential within me. I lost more than 20 pounds, too.” At press time, Bolt added that despite all his achievements, nothing would ever match that high of winning a free Vitamix.