LOS ANGELES—Responding to a wave of violence and harassment, the NBA brought in Ron Artest Thursday to act as a consultant on how players can defend themselves from fans. “It’s important that you stand up for yourselves, and hold these people accountable so they know not to make the same mistake in the future,” said Artest, speaking to Phoenix Suns and Los Angeles Lakers players as he demonstrated the proper way to square up and throw a haymaker at a taunting fan. “You want to identify your target right away, don’t make the same mistake I did and end up fighting off dozens of random people. It helps to clock where the security guards are so you can get past them the second someone starts screaming racial slurs. And remember, it’s important that you take them out early—that way you’re not dealing with them in the third quarter during a big playoff game.” Artest finished up the seminar by bringing in a sample fan for each player to punch in turn.