HALLSVILLE, TX—As he aimed his Winchester rifle at the stack of three large snowballs in his front yard, Texas man Bob Brookson was overheard notifying a snowman Tuesday that it was trespassing on private property and needed to go back to wherever it had come from. “Now, listen here, boy, I don’t want no trouble, so you best go on and git before I put a .38-caliber hole in that big smiley head of yours,” said Brookson, cocking the gun while he explained to the frozen figure that its kind was not welcome around there and that he would be well within his rights should he choose to neutralize the threat to his home. “You come one step closer, and you’re done for, you hear me? Huh? Say, you dumb or sum’n, boy? I don’t appreciate you starin’ at me, neither, you stonyeyed sonofabitch.” After it failed to respond to several warning shots, Brookson reportedly noticed the snowman was wearing his 7-year-old daughter’s scarf and immediately fired multiple rounds into the head and chest of the “thievin’ coward.”