WASHINGTON—As she absentmindedly sketched in the margin of her notes during a national security meeting Monday, a bored Kamala Harris was seen doodling a cartoon of a refugee who had been thrown out of an airplane, with the word “Noooooo!” appearing in a speech balloon near the plummeting individual’s mouth. According to White House sources, the vice president’s extensive series of drawings consisted of vignettes in which the refugee was thrown out the cargo door of a 747, catapulted into a brick border wall, and set on fire by Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents, who were uniformly depicted with arched eyebrows to indicate they were very angry. Reports confirmed that Harris completely tuned out the briefing on the threat of Russian cyberattacks as she added detailed blood and viscera to an image of a Haitian asylum seeker who been dropped into shark-infested waters off the Gulf Coast. At press time, the vice president had reportedly submitted the drawings to some of her favorite publications in the hopes being able to quit her job and pursue cartooning full-time.